Physical therapy (or physiotherapy*) is the provision of services to people and populations to develop, maintain and restore maximum movement and functional ability throughout the lifespan. It includes the provision of services in circumstances where movement and function are threatened by the process of ageing or that of injury or disease. The method of physical therapy sees full and functional movement as at the heart of what it means to be healthy.
Physical therapy is concerned with identifying and maximizing movement potential, within the spheres of promotion, prevention, treatment and rehabilitation. It involves the interaction between physical clients, families and care givers, in a process of assessing movement potential and in establishing agreed upon goals and objectives using knowledge and skills unique to physical therapists.
The physical therapists’ distinctive view of the body and its movement needs and potential is central to determining a diagnosis and an intervention strategy and is consistent whatever the setting in which practice is undertaken. These settings will vary in relation to whether physical therapy is concerned with health promotion, prevention, treatment or rehabilitation.[1]
Physical therapy interventions may include:
"Manual handling; movement enhancement; physical, electrotherapeutic and mechanical agents; functional training; provision of aids and appliances; patient related instruction and counselling; documentation and coordination, and communication. Intervention may also be aimed at prevention of impairments, functional limitations, disability and injury including the promotion and maintenance of health, quality of life, and fitness in all ages and populations."
Some of the conditions that physical therapists manage include:
back and neck pain
spinal and joint conditions, such as arthritis
biomechanical problems and muscular control
cerebral palsy and spina bifida
heart and lung conditions, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and pneumonia
sport-related injuries
headaches (migraine and tension-type headache)
stress incontinence
neurological conditions, such as stroke and multiple sclerosis